DJ Dips

As a music producer he was part of hit collective Ominous DJs, releasing 'Best Kept Secret' album in 2003 and then 'Unfinished Business' three years later. 2009 saw the release of his first solo album - 'Stand Up Vol. 1' which gave bhangra fans the number one track 'Gera De De', featuring Kaka Bhaniawala, Lehmber and Miss Pooja. The release of the album was followed up with a number of smash-hit singles including 'Din Raat' and 'Tohar' featuring Garry Sandhu which have topped 8 million views on Youtube collectively. Dips has also released a number of tracks with Nirmal and Nav Sidhu, H-Dhami, Juggy D and Inderjit Nikku. His video for 'Kaun Nachdi' featuring Roach Killa was awarded Best Video at the 2015 UK Bhangra Awards.

Demand for the talented DJ has seen him perform for guests and party-goers around the world including; Norway, Canada, India, Kenya, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Tenerife, Miami and Spain.


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